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UOnline: From Online Course Support to a Leader in Online Degree Programs

UOnline: From Online Course Support to a Leader in Online Degree Programs

In 2008, the University of Utah launched the first online course support services using the UOnline name. Led by Cory Stokes, Director of the Technology Assisted Curriculum Center (TACC), this initiative explored more flexible methods for offering classes to students. Around 200 online courses were created during those early years of experimentation.

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Spring Greetings from UCL!

UCL Executive Team

Deborah Keyek-Franssen, our Associate Vice President and Dean, outlines our latest initiatives to connect the U with the community.

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Hello, world.

deb keyek-franssen

Welcome to the new UCL! Deb Keyek-Franssen, our Associate Vice President and Dean, introduces our initiatives and services.

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Last Updated: 12/12/23